"If they think they can stop him they're dead wrong"
Meet Jon Cold a professional secret agent for hire. With a taste for fine wine and even finer women. With fist pumping action Jon Cold travels his way across Europe to to deliver a package to a big wig in Germany. Along the way Cold runs into goons trying to stop the package from making it to the recipient. With gun wielding henchmen and a fast talking black brit Cold did not have an easy delivery.
Jon Cold uses a decoy package to blow up an entire train station.
Fighting with a hired hit Jon Cold executes a uncountable amount of blocks and punches.
Jon Cold uses the patent arm twist to throw henchmen into cold water.
Seagals whisper in this movie was probably at the lowest possible decibel a human being can speak.
Best one liner: "If you touch it again I will shoot your two inch dick off"
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