"Either you're with him...or you're dead."
Shadowman, one of his latest films, features Seagal playing widowed, former secret agent Jack Foster. Foster is now the head of a fortune 500 company and spends his spare time teaching karate and buying his daughter horses. Jack's world gets turned totally upside-down when he takes a trip with his daughter to Romania and an old colleague slips him some sensitive materials. His daughter is kidnapped, his friend killed and his head put on the block by another conveniently placed, former colleague. From this point on Seagal's character spends the rest of the film searching for his daughter and finding answers about what he has been given, and who is after it.
The highlights of this movie included the following:
Seagal's character, while teaching karate class, has a student ask him to teach him about fighting using the power of Chi. For this Seagal double fist punches him with Chi and kills him. Then he proceeds to kick all his students asses, including flipping one guy by the arm like 5 times.
Foster, trapped in a room by his double-crossing ex-colleague, builds a homemade arsenal out of pipes and junk laying around the room in a matter of minutes. The weapons, built in McGyver fashion, included two different types of deadly guns. He kills about 5 guys using these weapons.
At one point Jack bitch-slaps a bartender as hard as he can... because he lied to him.
Toward the end of the film, Foster uses his pistol to shoot down a helicopter (more specifically he blew it up in mid-air).
Seagal's character takes out the two boss bad guys in particularly violent fashion. The first guy, he gouges his eyes out. The second guy, he double fist Chi punches him and the back of the guys skull blew out.
Seagal had two very entertaining one liners in this one:
"It ain't over till the wolf howls." and "Oh man, that's no free-base accident. That's syphilis."
This movie is proof that, even though he weighed in at what looked to be at least 240lbs, he's still got it. He broke four guy's arms, shot at least four guys by turning their own guns around on them, whispered every line and kicked a lot of ass. For this, I give Shadowman 4 ponytails.
Shadowman: 4 Ponytails
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