In Belly of the Beast, Seagal plays Jake Hopper, an ex-cia agent who quit the business after a terrible tragedy, which ended with Jake karate chopping a bad guy through the side of a wall and his partner accidentally shooting an innocent bystander. After 10 years of somewhat civilian life (with an occasional private gig) Hopper's daughter is caught up in a kidnapping. She is friends with a U.S. senator's daughter and the two are kidnapped by terrorists in Thailand. Jake catches wind of this through the grapevine and sets out for some serious vigilante justice. He renews his license to kill and reclaims his (now monk) ex-partner in Thailand. From there they meet up with an old "friend," Fitch, who has some old connections, and a handfull of Thai whores. Hopper and his sidekick, Sunti, moved their way slowly up the Thailand criminal food chain (which included a fight between Seagal and a whip-wielding transvestite) until they found out who was behind the kidnappings. After that it was only a matter of how long it would take for Hopper to kill everyone. While fighting the final boss, hopper is getting arrows shot at him. Instead of moving out of the way, he shoots one with his gun, head on, and then he splits another lengthwise with a sword while this battle raged on, there was a voodoo witch doctor putting voodoo curses on Hopper. In order to defend him a group of monks have a magical meditation battle with the witch doctor and kill him with their magic. Without the curse on him, Seagal was free to finish off his enemy with a really lengthy karate chop combo, followed by a double-fisted punch that killed him. From the beginning on, Seagal set the pace for this to be one of his most action packed movies and never let up until the end. He used the same martial arts technique that you see Neo use in the Matrix trilogy, only Seagal's character is man enough to use them in the real world, and against real people.
Other highlights of this action packed heart-stopper were:
While doing a off-the-books job for a friend, Hopper slithers dodges and dances around corners a big house like Catherine Zeta Jones in Entrapment. He then raids their fridge.
At one point hopper and Sunti are crashing an arms deal and shit hits the fan. Seagal bursts through the side wall of a train car and shoots 3 bad guys in midair. He then lands on a small rail-cart and moves down the tracks on his side shooting another 6 goons.
Hopper is in handcuffs at a Thailand police station after being arrested. While in cuffs, Seagal beats up 5 cops who have guns and clubs.
At one point Seagal is given a message to meet with a criminal who is being set up. The message was delivered to Hopper in magic ink on the naked chest of a Thai whore with huge tits.
Seagal had one funny line in this one: "You know something Fitch, you ain't nothin' but a trailer park bitch."
This whole movie was completely bad-ass. Seagal broke 6 different guys' arms and another two legs. He wore what was probably his most rugged ponytail and he eventually fell in love with a Thai whore. You combine that with a fully whispered dialog and incredible action and you get 5 ponytails.
Belly of the Beast: 5 Ponytails
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