"He's a cop. It's a dirty job... but somebody's got to take out the garbage." This movie is awesome. Just by looking at the back of the DVD case I knew this movie was a keeper. Only $9.49 on Amazon. And it might be worth checking out the soundtrack.
Brooklyn-born and-raised cop Gino Felino (Seagal) has seen many changes in "the neighborhood." There is a great cameo by Jerry Orbach from Law and Order as Gino's captain. The opening scene was absolutely brilliant. Seagal smashes a mans head through a passenger side window of a car, then throws the man through the front windshield. The shot freezes with a view out the front windshield and Seagal in the background.
But what sets everything in motion is this madman who guns down a cop in public, then shoots a woman in the head because she told him to move his car.
Once again Seagal shows us his animal lover instincts, because there is a scene where he sees a man throw a grabage bag with a dog in it into the street. And at the end of the movie finally meets back up with the individual that threw the dog away.
He drives through the ghettos of Brooklyn while The Beastie Boys "No sleep till Brooklyn" is playing. Here we see all the typical illegal activities that take place in Brooklyn, from hookers, front seat bj's, to drug deals. His character then proceeds to have an intense chase scene with this ruthless cop killer, Richie, with the dog riding shotgun.
In his first real encounter with the criminal scum he bludgeons onw man with salami, makes a man stab himself in the thigh with a butcher knife, and beats up another man, then takes the knife from first man's thigh and pins second guys hand to the wall.
During the greatest bar room fight I have ever seen in a movie, Gino rolls a cue ball into a small towel and proceeds to beat anyone who challenges him. A man named Tattoo gets all his front teeth knocked out but still has the courage to come back for more. And by the way, the bad guys in this movie really know how to rock wind suits. Gino also has a sweet fight with a man named "sticks."
In one of the bloodiest final showdowns ever, Gino manages to take on the rest of the thugs armed with only his pistol and shotgun. He blows one mans lower leg off, and also puts an end to the man named Tattoo. Seagal finally stabs his boyhood adversary and criminal scum, Richie, in the forehead with a corkscrew. Only after manhandling the wannabe mobster and wrecking a poor womans apartment.
The movie had some good one-liners, the best being, "Tell your brother I'm gonna cut of his head and piss down his throat!" This line was whispered in Seagal's best Brooklyn accent. This movie was full of action as well as blood. This was one of my favorite Seagal films that I've seen so far, I highly suggest renting this movie.
Out For Justice: 4 Pony Tails
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